Turtle Crawler

Problem #5

Tags: junior any-lang

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source: found as a demo task in interactive interview platform of T-Bank (2024), for QA-automation interview.

"Turtle" robot moves on 2-dimensional space - actually, rectangular grid. Its route is defined by the string, consisting of letters U, D, L, R - they mean that robot should move 1 cell up, down, left or right. For example the string RRUUURRDLD defines the following route:

        5 > 6 > 7
        ^       v
        4   9 < 8
        ^   v
        3   10
0 > 1 > 2

For convenience we use numbers to mark steps of the route, 0 is from where robot had started.

Given such a string with sequence of moves, we want to know, at which step the robot crosses its own path.

Input: number T of testcases is in the first line.
Next T lines follow, each containing a sequence of commands for the robot, in the form of the string as described above. (these sequences are independent, robot starts anew each time)

Answer: T space-separated numbers - counts of steps which robot makes in each testcase before re-visiting some already-visited place. Output 0 if the pass is not self-crossing.





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